The aim – to study the characteristics of growth and development, in particular to investigate the origin of the phenological stage and set seeds productivity of plants Lophanthus anisatus Adans. the introduction in Kremenets Botanical Garden.
Material and methods. Plants of L. anisatus was studied during 2013–2015 in Kremenets Botanical Garden. It is used field, laboratory and measuring-weighing methods.
Results. It is defined the features of growth, development and morphology of L. anisatus plants in the conditions of in troduction. The results of studying of L. anisatus for periods of ontogenesis are given. The signs of age-related states of individuals are described. Field and laboratory germination of seeds and energy of its germination are determined.
Conclusions. It was found that L. anisatus plants are all the stages of ontogenesis and form seeds, is characterized by high seed productivity. The passage of phenological phases of growth and development of plants L. anisatus corresponds to the seasonal rhythm of the conditions of introduction region.
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