The presence of connection between regeneration ability of different species of Actinidia shoots and the activity of gibberelin like substances (GLS) were investigated. The content of GLS in four species: Actinidia arguta (Siebold et. Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq., A. poligama (Siebold et. Zucc.) Miq., A. kolomikta Maxim, A. chinensis Planch. was studied. The samples of Actinidia have been selected since April till June. GLS’s activity in the investigated species of Actinidia reached 10-6 according to gibberelin acid scale. It was found that the content of these substances in male shoots is greater than in female ones during the whole vegetative period. Female shoots form roots better than male ones. So it is not excluded, that GLS influence on sex differentiation processes of Actinidia, but do not take part in root formation.
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