The results of many years of the introduction testing of 7 species and 34 varieties of the genus Canna L. from the collection of Kryvyy Rih Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine were analized. Data of a complex study of adaptation capabilities spreaded in landscaping and new for Kryvorizhzhya representatives of the genus were given in order to determine their prospects for expansion of the existing range of ornamental plants in landscaping of the industrial region. The level of cannes plants adaptation to growing conditions was studied due to result of the successful introduction of species and varieties on the basis of adopted five-point scale.The high adaptive capacity of the studied species, as well as the majority of introduced varieties, was determined. They were breeded on the base of many years improvement of ornamental features of natural species . In terms of resistance to the growing conditions 60.9 % of introduced varieties of Crozet group and 72.7 % – of orchid- like cannas are perspective for the region. A group of varieties and species of Canna with the highest level of adaptation to the given conditions and a group of low perspective varieties were found. As a result of the study the perspective assortment of introduced cannas species for planting industrial region of Kryvyy Rih was developed.
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