The growth and seed production of scots pine in the geoactive zones


Scots pine
geoactive zone
the growth of trees
seed production

How to Cite

Rogozin, M. (2016). The growth and seed production of scots pine in the geoactive zones. Plant Introduction, 70, 35-44.


We studied 123 Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees at the age of 55 years, growing on forest seed plot created by thinning out crops. Near the parent trees by dowsing defines three types of favorable and two types of pathogenic geoactive areas with diameters from 0.55 to 8.0 m. Seed trees have a high variability of the diameter of the stem (23.9–58.3 cm) and 88 % of them were in favorable areas, which is higher than the probability of accidental exposure to such areas by 3.5 times. It follows that the left after thinning 7 % of the best phenotypically trees located on their not accidental. When finding a tree in favorable regions having diameters of 1.0, 3.0, 4.5 and 8.0 m, seed trees grow better and formed into 55 significantly larger trunks, and in places without such zones average diameter trees is decreasing by 15 %. Large trees with a diameter larger than the average were always in the one to three favorable zones. Unlike large, thin trees such zones had not always, and 24 % of them did not have. The average number of favorable zones for 1 tree at the large trees was significantly greater – 1.74 ± 0.08 vs. 1.47 ± 0.07 at the thin individuals. However, the yield of pine on geopathogenic zones Hartman and Curry, while finding the trees on favorable zones, increased to 1.85 times in comparison with the harvest of the field only to favorable or just with neutral zones.


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