Objective – to study the accumulation of biochemical compounds in the underground part of the plants of the genus Crambe L. in the period of early spring in the conditions of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine.
Material and methods. Plant material of this investigation – Crambe species (Brassicaceae Burnett): C. cordifolia Steven (CCR), C. grandiflora DC. (CGR), C. juncea M.Bieb. (CJR), C. koktebelica (Junge) N. Busch (CKR), C. maritima L. (CMR), C. steveniana Rupr. (CSR), C. tataria Sebeok (CTR). As control were selected plants of Armoracia rusticana P. Gaerth., B. Mey et Scherb (ARR). All biochemical analyses were conducted using the underground part of plants in the period of early spring. The determination of absolutely dry matter was done according to A.I. Yermakov, total content of sugars, ascorbic acid, content of organic acids, tannins – according to V.P. Krishchenko, level of total ash – according to Z.M. Hrycajenko et al., concentration of calcium and phosphorus – according to H.N. Pochinok, antiradical activity of ethanol and water extracts – according to W. Brandt-Williams et al.
Results. Obtained data showed that content of dry matter ranged from 16.00 % (CMR) to 22.48 % (CCR), total content of sugar ranged from 11.03 % (CJR) to 46.48 % (CSR), content of ascorbic acid ranged from 192.85 mg% (CSR) to 483.45 mg% (CTR), level of tannins in range from 1.64 % (CGR) to 5.12 % (CJR), content of organic acids ranged from 2.28 % (CSR) to 3.64 % (CJR), content of ash in range from 9.24 % (CSR) to 14.67 % (CJR), level of calcium ranged from 0.76 % (CTR) to 1.37 % (CKR),content of phosphorus varied from 0.57 % (CCR) to 1.33 % (CTR). Antioxidant activity of ethanol extracts was in range from 6.84 % (CGR) to 11.65 % (CTR) and water extracts – from 0.76 % (CGR) to 2.52 % (CCR).
Conclusions. It can be concluded that underground part of plants of the genus Crambe is rich source of nutrients in the period of early spring. Some investigated species showed higher biological activity in comparison with ARR plants. Comparative analyze of phytochemical content of raw matter demonstrated that underground part of investigated plants can be competed with other food plants such as Armoracia rusticana by content of ascorbic acid, total content of sugars, organic acids, ash, macroelements etc. Total antioxidant activity of ethanol extracts of investigated plants demonstrated higher results than water extracts.
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