Purpose of the study – determine production, energy, and introduction potentials of various forms of Camelina sativa as a perspective raw plant material for biofuel production.
Material and methods. Research results on various forms and cultivars of Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz created in M.M Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine in collaboration with Institute of Food Biotechnology and Genomics of the NAS of Ukraine are presented. Lipid content was estimated using Soxtherm extraction system. Method of reverse phase liquid chromatography was applied to evaluate triglyceride content. The energy value of samples was calculated with C200 calorimeter system.
Results. We established that the most productive yield of above-ground plant mass of Camelina sativa is reached when a planting of seeds is done from the third decade of april to the third decade of may. Camelina sativa plants can provide 13,92–25,20 t/ha yield of above ground plant mass. The highest value of plant biomass (above ground mass, seeds, roots) is produced by Peremoga and Euro-12 cultivars. Camelina sativa plants can produce 3237–4111 kg/ha of seed harvest. Various forms and cultivars of Camelina sativa are distinguished by high energy value of their seeds (5678–5965 Kcal/ha) and a reasonable energy yield per one square unit (18,72–23,95 Gcal/ha). Seeds of Camelina sativa have rich lipid value (36,04–43,89%), what can yield 1058–1330 kg/ha during harvest. High heat capacity of Camelina sativa oil results in substantial amounts of generated energy (9,80–12,35 Gcal/ha). The greatest yield on lipids and therefore on energy production from plants seeds are most common for Peremoga, Euro-12 cultivars and EORGHJAF-4 form. Increased quantities of linolenic, linoleic, oleic, gondoic (11-eicosenoic acid) palmitic, and erucic acids are found in all forms and cultivars of Camelina sativa. The highest quantities of polyunsaturated linolenic are prevalent for EORGHJAFD (38,271 %) and Euro-12 (35,564%). Increased quantity of linoleic acid is determined for Klondayk cultivar and EORGHJAF-4, EORGHJAFD, EORGHJAFCH forms. Among experimental plants suitable for food purposes the most attention is drawn to forms and cultivars with high oleic acid EORGHJAF-2 (18,467 %), Mirag (17,482 %) and Peremoga (17,319 %).
Conclusions. Forms EORGHJAFCHP, EORGHJAF-5 and cultivar Euro-12 of Camelina sativa with increased erucic acid content are used for industrial and energy purposes. Fatty acid rich composition of Camelina sativa oil makes it valuable raw material for energy, food, medicine and industrial purposes.
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