Effect of short-term temperature stresses on level of nucleic acids in plants with different types of ecological strategy


Festuca pratensis Huds.
Rumex patientia L. × R. tianshanicus A. Los.
Brassica campestris var. olifera f. biennis D.C.
Amaranthus caudatus L.
nuclear acids
temperature stress
ecological strategy

How to Cite

Kosakivska, I., Negretzky, V., Rakhmetov, D., Kovzun, O., Pushkarev, V., & Ustinova, A. (2013). Effect of short-term temperature stresses on level of nucleic acids in plants with different types of ecological strategy. Plant Introduction, 57, 102-108. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1490462


We investigated nucleic acid content in plants with different types of ecological strategies. Special features in character of RNA content changes were shown after short time temperature stresses. After heat stress level of RNA in patient Rumex patientia × R. tianshanicus and ruderale with C-4 pathway of photosynthesis Amaranthus caudatus seedlings became lower and in ruderale Brassica campestris seedlings with C-3 pathway of photosynthesis became higher. After short time cold stress content of RNA in all analyzed plants became higher. Content of RNA in violent Festuca pratensis seedlings after temperature stresses was practically stable. Lowest balance RNA/DNA was in patient Rumex patientia × R. tianshanicus seedlings. Ruderale Amaranthus caudatus seedlings had highest balance RNA/DNA.



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