Objective – to investigate the correlation between the ideas of the construction of M.M. Gryshko National Botanic Garden (NBG) of the NAS of Ukraine have been in the first projects and the modern directions of the garden areas development.
Material and methods. Historicalscientific method was used for studying the base of sources. Problemchronological method provided a sequence of the material presentment. The comparative method allowed to find and to investigate the correlations.
Results. The first projects of the construction of Botanical Garden subordinated to the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (now NBG) were investigated and their implementation was analyzed. The correlations between the ideas of the first projects and the modern directions of NBG development were found and analysed.
Conclusions.The first projects of NBG formation had a lot of interesting ideas that for various reasons were not realized. Some of these ideas received a new life only at the beginning of the 21st century, when the scientists of the botanical garden faced new problems related to an increase of anthropogenic pressure, changes of climatic conditions, the need to create new expositions. New directions on exposition areas creation are often correlated with the unfulfilled plans of the 1930–1940’s.
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