Objective – to evaluate of successful introduction of plants of species of the Astragalus L. genus in conditions of Right-Bank of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
Material and methods. The subject of the study were perennial plants of Astragalus species: A. galegiformis L., A. cicer L., A. falcatus Lam., A. glycyphyllos L., A. ponticus Pall., A. monspessulanus L., A. onobrychis L., A. sulcatus L., A. ñanadensis L., A. dasyanthus Pall. Investigations of biomorphological and ontomorphogenetical peculiarities of plants were conducted on introduction plots of the Department of Cultural Flora of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine in compliance with generally accepted techniques. Processing result was performed by analysis of variance and statistical estimation of the data using Microsoft Excel (2010) program.
Results. The established age states ontomorphogenesis species of Astragalus genus and seasonal rhythms of plants development. Marked morphological characteristics for comparison mobilized species of plant. According to the success of the plant introduction among the species of the Astragalus genus – A. ponticus, A. monspessulanus was recognized as promising and A. galegiformis, A. cicer, A. falcatus, A. glycyphyllos – especially promising.
Conclusions. On the basis of biological and morphological features and the availability of economically valuable traits selected promising forms and varietals samples of medicinal, fodder and energy use. Further introduction into agriculture of the species plants of this genus will allow not only preserving natural places of growth and considerably expand the raw material base of modern crops of the Leguminosae (Fabaceae) family.
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