Biochemical composition of the genus Miscanthus Anderss. plant raw material in conditions of introduction


plant raw material
biochemical properties

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Vergun, O., Rakhmetov, D., Fishchenko, V., Rakhmetova, S., ShymanskaО., & Druz, N. (2017). Biochemical composition of the genus Miscanthus Anderss. plant raw material in conditions of introduction. Plant Introduction, 76, 3-10.


Objective – to investigate biochemical properties of raw material of the genus Miscanthus Anderss. plants in conditions of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine.

Material and methods. Investigated plants were cultivars and varieties of the genus Miscanthus species: M. sinensis Anderss. f. ESBMK-1 (MSEK-1), M. sinensis f. ESBMK-6 (MSEK-6), M. sinensis cv. Veleten (MSV), M. sacchariflorus (Maxim.) Benth. f. ESBMTS-1 (MSES-1), M. sacchariflorus f. ESBMTS-5 (MSES-5), M. sacchariflorus cv. Snihopad (MSS), M. × giganteus J.M. Greef et Deuter ex Hodk et Ronvoize cv. Huliver (MGH). The content of dry matter and lipids were determined according to A.I. Yermakov, the total content of sugars and ascorbic acid concentration – according to V.P. Krishchenko, the content of carotene – according to B.P. Pleshkov, the content of ash – according to Z.M. Hrycaenko, the content of calcium and phosphorus – according to H.M. Pochinok.

Results. During vegetation, the plant raw material of the genus Miscanthus species and their varieties and cultivars accumulated dry matter in range from 26.16 % (MSEK-1) to 57.80 % (MSS), the total content of sugars – from 1.27 % (MSES-5) to 5.13 % (MGH), ascorbic acid – from 11.42 mg% (MSES-5) to 43.61 mg% (MSEK-6), carotene – from 0.197 mg% (MSS) to 1.113 mg% (MSV), ash – from 2.06 % (MSS) to 6.11 % (MSEK-6), calcium – from 0.203 % (MSES-5) to 1.070 % (MSEK-1), phosphorus – from 0.023 % (MGH) to 0.121 % (MSV), lipids – from 0.933 % (MSS) to 3.780 % (MSEK-6).

Conclusions. Obtained data showed that in conditions of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine the genus Miscanthus plants is a valuable source of nutrients the most content of which observed in the tillering period. Due to this fact these plants can be recommended as nutritional supplements for animal feed. In addition to the aforementioned content of dry matter, total content of sugars of investigated plants of the genus Miscanthus increased from tillering to seed ripening stage. It is found that content of carotene, ascorbic acid, calcium decreased from tillering to seed ripening stage. The total content of ash decreased to seed ripening phase but not significantly. The level of phosphorus varied during vegetation in investigated plants.


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