Objective – to present the history of selection of English roses; to analyze collection funds of roses of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine and the State Dendrological park Olexandria of the NAS of Ukraine; to trace the biological features of English roses.
Material and methods. Morphological and biological features of English roses in the studied collections were studied. An estimation of the level of decorativeness and economically valuable characteristics of English roses was carried out. The primary variety testing of English roses was carried out according to the method of V.M. Klimenko and Z.K. Klimenko and according to the methodical instructions set out in the Atlas of the morphological features of varieties of roses.
Results. It was revealed that in the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden there are 29 varieties of English roses, and in the dendrological park Olexandria – 13. In accordance with results of the assessment of varieties on decorative properties and economically valuable characteristics 21 varieties of English roses (Abraham Darby, Alain Titchmarsh, Charles Darwin, Crown Princess Margareta, Eglantine, Falstaff, Golden Celebration, Graham Thomas, Heritage, Jude the Obscure, Munsted Wood, Othello, Tea Clipper, Teasing Georgia, The Alnwick Rose, The Dark Lady, The Pilgrim, The Prince, William and Catherine, William Morris, William Shakespeare) are recommended for use in landscape construction.
Conclusion. Collections of English roses are a valuable material for conducting modern selection genetic studies and theoretical generalizations concerning the evolution of the world assortment of roses.
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