The history of rose breeding in Canada is represented. The collection of roses fund of the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine is analysed. As a result of screening of collection 17 cultivars of Canadian breeding, including 6 cultivars of Explorer series and 7 cultivars of Parkland series were revealed. Morphological and biological particularities of cultivars of Canadian breeding in the collection of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden are studied. The evaluation of the level of their decorative value, winter hardiness and economically valuable features is made. As a result of the evaluation of cultivars according to the decorative features and economically valuable characteristics 14 cultivars of Canadian roses (Agnes, Therese Bugnet, Alexander Mackenzie, Champlain, Georges Vancouver, Henry Kelsey, John Davis, Praire Dawn, Adelaide Hoodles, Morden Blush, Praire Joy, Winnipeg Park, Hope for Humanity, Morden Sunrise) are recommended for use in landscape construction. It is concluded that Canadian cultivars of roses can become donors of such a valuable feature as winter hardiness, and therefore they are beneficial material for modern breeding research.
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