Introduction of Actinidia in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Report 1. Phenorhythm and peculiarities of season development of Actinidia

How to Cite

Skripchenko, N., & MorozР. (2004). Introduction of Actinidia in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Report 1. Phenorhythm and peculiarities of season development of Actinidia. Plant Introduction, 22, 12-16.


The article is devoted to investigation of phenological peculiarities of 5 species of Actinidia Lindl. genus under introduction in Forest-Steppe of Ukraine: A. kolomikta, A. arguta, A. purpurea, A. polygama and A. chinensis. The rhythms of growth, organogenesis of shoots, blossom and fruitage of these species in the region of introduction are investigated. Forest-Steppe climatic conditions of Ukraine suitable for passing of complete cycle of growth and development for introduced species, except A. chinensis.


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