Referee guidelines

In the initial stage, the manuscripts are preliminary revised by the assigned editor of the Plant Introduction journal. After that, the blind (or double-blind in exclusive cases of the potential risk of conflict of interests) review of each manuscript is performed by two independent and qualified specialists. Normally, referees have 3 weeks for manuscript evaluation, however, they can request for extension of the terms in case of a tight schedule. After that referees should fulfill the standard Review form and send it back to the editorial office. Referees also can make notes and comments directly in the text of the manuscript using the review mode.

The referees should focus on the scientific quality and value, as well as the overall style of the manuscript. It is the responsibility of authors to submit grammatically and linguistically correct manuscripts, therefore referees are not asked to conduct such kind of editing of the manuscript. It happens that manuscripts may contain some typos or orthographical errors, and we will be thankful if referees will spot and highlight such errors during the reading process. However, if the manuscript requires fundamental changes, please just inform the editorial office about this in the report.

Due to the blind review process, referees are not asked to sign their reports but are welcome to do so. But it is necessary to declare any conflicts of interest and cases of plagiarism.

Antiplagiarism verification in the Plant Introduction has a complex algorithm. First of all, we trust the experience of our editors and referees. However, the random fragments of each manuscript are checked for plagiarism with and Grammarly. In case of plagiarism detection, the manuscript is rejected without resubmitting opportunity.

The final decision is made on the basis of the reports of referees. In cases of strong disagreement between the reports or between the authors and referees, the editor can send the manuscript to the third referee, judge these according to his/her expertise or seek advice from members of the editorial board.