Comparative analysis of allozyme polymorphism of Abies alba Mill. maternal trees and their progeny in the Ukrainian Carpathians

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Morozova, N., & KorshikovІ. (2004). Comparative analysis of allozyme polymorphism of Abies alba Mill. maternal trees and their progeny in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Plant Introduction, 22, 68-72.


Variation of isoenzymes in two enzyme systems encoded by five loci was studied in maternal plants, seed embryos and pool of paternal garnets of the Abies alba Mill, population in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Comparing the maternal trees and seed embryos, we found essential allele and genotypic heterogeneity for 3 from 5 analyzed loci. The percentage of polymorphic loci by 95 and 99% criteria and average number of alleles per locus in maternal trees were 25%, 20% and 16,7% higher than in seed embryos. A 6,7% surplus of heterozygotes was found in the samples of maternal trees, and a 17,6% deficiency of them in the embryos samples, that may be due to excessive self-pollination of seed-buds.


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