The role of temperate zone botanic gardens for ex situ biodiversity conservation of floras of tropics and subtropics

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CherevchenkoТ., & Buyun, L. (2004). The role of temperate zone botanic gardens for ex situ biodiversity conservation of floras of tropics and subtropics. Plant Introduction, 21, 3-12.


The main purpose of this article is the development of the idea of necessity of creation of tropical and subtropical plants collection in the Botanical Gardens of temperate zones of the world as the powerful tool for ex situ biodiversity conservation of floras tropics and subtropics. The maintenance of the collections of tropical and subtropical plants, particularly rare and endangered species, links with the decision of the following tasks: to study the developmental biology of these plants under greenhouse culture conditions, to develop appropriate methods of their propagation and cultivation for practical usage and to strengthen the resources base in nature through repatriation. The significance of field investigation in natural habitats of plants is emphasized.


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