Peculiarities of morphological structure of shoot system of Paphiopedilum insigne Pfitzg. (Orchidaceae Juss.)

How to Cite

Buyun, L., Vakhrushkin, V., & Kovalskaya, L. (2003). Peculiarities of morphological structure of shoot system of Paphiopedilum insigne Pfitzg. (Orchidaceae Juss.). Plant Introduction, 20, 76-80.


The results of study of shoot system structure of P. insigne, one of the commonest Paphiopedilum species in glasshouse culture, are given. Using Smirnova's method three complex morphological criteria, growth form, type of structure and composition of leaf formula, were established. Although a several morphological studies have been already conducted on P. insigne, our results demonstrated some morphological structures never before observed on this species. A better understanding of morphological structures of studied species as well as the other orchids can have practical importance for development of cultivation technology and appropriate conservation strategy ex situ.


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