Mechanism of morphological and physiological formation of fascial shoots of the genus Syringa L. species


Syringa vulgaris L.
S. josikaea Jacq. fil.
S. villosa C.K. Schneid.

How to Cite

Gorb, V. (2016). Mechanism of morphological and physiological formation of fascial shoots of the genus Syringa L. species. Plant Introduction, 72, 45-51.


By analytical way it was determined that fasciation in the genus Syringa L. species can be grouped into three categories: true, false and composed. The true fasciation is a result of excessive flow of plastic substances to apical meristem of embryonic sprout, which initially leads to a significant expansion of the central cone of growth, and then, after a failure in the system of genetic controlling the process of optimum organogenesis leads to the formation of fascial shoot. Formation of false fasciation is a result of simultaneous sprouting of multiple, closely embedded buds, which are often placed randomly by groups along the axis of true fascial shoot during its formation inside buds. The mechanism of composed fascial shoot appearance is the same as for false one, but a composition of this group of closely embedded buds embodies both typical and fascinated shoots. As a result of the buds fusion the flattened, often curved sickle fascial shoot is formed. The profile of fascial shoot is probably the result of different growth rate of the shoots that formed it.


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