Comparative evaluation of the vital state of introducent and indigenous woody plants in roadside shelterbelts route Dnipropetrovsk–Donetsk


protective roadside shelterbelts
woody plants
indigenous plants
the vital state
drought resistance

How to Cite

Bessonova, V., & Ponomareva, O. (2016). Comparative evaluation of the vital state of introducent and indigenous woody plants in roadside shelterbelts route Dnipropetrovsk–Donetsk. Plant Introduction, 72, 65-72.


The protective roadside shelterbelts are polyfunctional system. Relevant environmental requirements of species by growing conditions are the basis of creating sustainable plantations. We have studied the roadside planting along the highway Dnipropetrovsk–Donetsk. The species compositions of woody plants are 21 species, 10 of which are introducents. By the number of instances, the introducents plants are predominateand account for 61.63 %. Prevailing in the number of instances can be noted introducents plants such Robinia pseudoacacia L., Acer negundo L., Populus pyramidalis Roz., Gleditsia triacanthos L. Among native species should be pointed out Acer platanoides L. and Populus nigra L. High levels of vitality have representatives of North American flora (R. pseudoacacia and G. triacanthos). The most number of species in a roadside belt are from the group of xerophytes (38.2%). Xerophytes, xeromesophytes and meso-xerophytes constitute the 55.8 % of woody plants. The most of resistant species belong to group of in troducents xerophytes plants.


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