Peculiarities of the Dendrobium unicum Seid. (Orchidaceae Juss.) ontogenesis culture in vitro and in greenhouse

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Kolomeytseva, G., Cherevchenko, T., & Lavrentyeva, A. (2002). Peculiarities of the Dendrobium unicum Seid. (Orchidaceae Juss.) ontogenesis culture in vitro and in greenhouse. Plant Introduction, 14, 62-68.


The ontogenesis stages of the seedlings of Dendrobium unicum Seid, a unique representative of epiphytic tropical orchids are studied. It was determined that in Knudson medium the seeds start germinating in two weeks, forming both single-headed and multy-headed protocorms. The shoots develop during 170 days. The adaptation was carried out in conditions of greenhouse with the use of bog moss and mineral fiber. The first flowering of shoots of 5-th order was observed from May till June.


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