The initial periods of ontogenesis ex situ of some species of the genus Stachys L. (report 2)

How to Cite

Komir, Z., Alekhin, A., & Alekhina, N. (2002). The initial periods of ontogenesis ex situ of some species of the genus Stachys L. (report 2). Plant Introduction, 13, 97-101.


The results of study of the initial periods of ontogenesis of Stachys byzantina C. Koch (S. Ianata Jacq.), which was introduced in conditions of North-East of Ukraine, are presented. The comparative analysis of morphological indications, biological features and peculiarities of ontogenesis of three species of genus Stachys L.: S. macrantha (C. Koch) Steam, S. officinalis (L.) Trevis. and S. byzantina is given. The duration of age states of individuals of three species was determined.


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