Seasonal growth and development rhythms of the representatives of genus Pyracantha M. Roem. in Right Bank of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


genus Pyracantha
seasonal rhythm
National Dendrological Park Sofiyivka of the NAS of Ukraine

How to Cite

Kopylova, T. (2016). Seasonal growth and development rhythms of the representatives of genus Pyracantha M. Roem. in Right Bank of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 71, 49-56.


Seasonal growth and development rhythm of 3 species and 3 cultivars of the genus Pyracantha M. Roem. (P. coccinea, P. crenatoserrata, P. crenulata, Р. × ‘Orange Charmer’, Р. × ‘Red Cushion’, Р. × ‘Soleil d’Or’) from the collection of the National Dendrological Park Sofiyivka of the NAS of Ukraine were analyzed. The terms and duration of the main phenological phases, so as their dependence on the sum of valid temperatures were developed. Phenological rhythms of studied taxa conform to the vegetative period of Right Bank of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Received data shall be used for the diagnostics of the introduction availability of the representatives of the genus Pyracantha in conditions of Right Bank of Forest-Steppe of Uk raine.


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