Phytocoenotype structure of dendroflora of Dendrology Park Trostjanets of the NAS Ukraine: longterm dynamics, participation and role of phytocоenotypes in forming of park dendrocenosis


dendropark Trostjanets
park phytocenosis
phytocoenotype structure

How to Cite

Medvedev, V., & Iljenko, O. (2016). Phytocoenotype structure of dendroflora of Dendrology Park Trostjanets of the NAS Ukraine: longterm dynamics, participation and role of phytocоenotypes in forming of park dendrocenosis. Plant Introduction, 71, 75-84.


The analysis of phytocoenotype structure of dendroflora of Trostjanents dendropark is made. Results were showed that most numeral in terms of species is a group of assectators. The second place is occupied by edificators, the third – a group of species that does not play a substantial role in phytocenosis, the fourth – dominants, the fifth – co-edificators and the last – co-dominants and subdominants. As part of edificators the trees are more often among that predominate the share of trees of first variable, and the trees of fourth variable, bushes and lianas, mainly carry out the role of assectators.

In dendroflora of park in tearms of the quantity of plants, among species-assectators Acer platanoides is predominated. At the same time, this species plays the edificatory role in park phytocenoses. The least active in terms of participating in forming of the park groupings among speciesassectators there are species, which presence in the one inventory list (26 species) and species, that did not included these lists, but in the past there was an attempt of their survey in the conditions of dendropark (34 species).


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