The ecological and botanical dependence of the tree and shrub species occurrence in outstanding-parks and the square at Kryvorizhzhya historical center


parks and gardens
tree and shrub species

How to Cite

Savosko, V., & Tovstoljak, N. (2016). The ecological and botanical dependence of the tree and shrub species occurrence in outstanding-parks and the square at Kryvorizhzhya historical center. Plant Introduction, 71, 85-95.


The aim – to determine the dependence (ecological, botanical and historical) occurrence of trees and shrubs species in outstanding parks and the square at Kryvorizhzhya Historic Cen ter.

Material and Methods. The object of research were parks: Culture and Rest named Newspaper “Pravda”, named Yuri Gagarin, named M.F. Yegorov and the square on S.M. Kharitonov Street.

Results. Floristic composition of trees and shrubs planted in the outstanding historic parks and squares at Kryvorizhzhya Historical Center has 79 species belonging to 52 genera and 27 families. Pinophyta representatives 10 species, Magnoliophyta – 69. A ecological, botanical and historical occurrence of richness species in territory on the left bank of the park Culture and Rest named Newspaper “Pravda” and in the square on S.M. Kharitonov Street has been installed. Adverse environmental conditions in the park named M.F. Egorov cause poor state of trees and shrubs.

Conclusion. There is a tendency to neglect and degradation of garden and parkland: reduction of their area, the loss of conservation status and removal from the balance sheet of the Office of Public Works records and housing policies.


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