The influence of steppe plant communities on structure formation of microscopical fungi

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Ellanskaya, N. (2000). The influence of steppe plant communities on structure formation of microscopical fungi. Plant Introduction, 5, 57-59.


An analysis of species composition of microscopical fungi of the steppe plant communities in the sections of Ukrainian Natural Steppe reserve has been carried out. Micobiota of Mykhailivska Tsilyna included 75 species of micromycetes belonging to 19 genera, Khomutovskyi Step (69 species, 17 genera), Kamyani Mohyly (59 species, 17 genera). The widely spread genera were Penicillium, Mortirella, Trichoderma, Fusarium, Gliocladium, Aspergillus. The authors have revealed the distinct confinement of certain species of micromycetes to the corresponding plant communities.


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