Special exchange of carbohydrates in the Magnoliaceae shoots in view of a winter-resistance under conditions of the South-East of Ukraine

How to Cite

Grigorenko, I., Golovnya, Y., & Bessonova, V. (2000). Special exchange of carbohydrates in the Magnoliaceae shoots in view of a winter-resistance under conditions of the South-East of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 5, 70-72. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3336567


Cited herein is the data concerning the study of starch and sugars dynamics during autumn-winter-spring period in representatives of the Magnoliaceae family growing under the conditions of the South-East of Ukraine. The paper considers intertransition of carbohydrates during this period. The species specificity of seasonal variations of these indiced has been found out.



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