Morphologo-ecological peculiarities and greenhouse culture of Paphiopedilum delenatii Guill. (Orchidaceae Juss.)

How to Cite

Vakhrushkin, V. (2000). Morphologo-ecological peculiarities and greenhouse culture of Paphiopedilum delenatii Guill. (Orchidaceae Juss.). Plant Introduction, 5, 106-109.


The paper deals with an extraordinary member of Paphiopedilum section Parvisepalum (Karasawa and Saito) Cribb – the endemic species of Vietnam Paphiopedilum delenatii, which is on the verge of vanishing and is generally considered to be difficult under greenhouse culture. The main principles of greenhouse culture (watering, temperature, soil mixture) are recommended with regard for climatological data within natural habitats and ecological requirements of this species.


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