Morphological peculiarities of Laelia lobata (Lindl.) Veitch. (Orchidaceae Juss.)

How to Cite

Ivannikov, R., & Krivoruchko, I. (2000). Morphological peculiarities of Laelia lobata (Lindl.) Veitch. (Orchidaceae Juss.). Plant Introduction, 5, 110-112.


According to E.S. Smirnova’s technique three sets of characters were established for this species: the plant growth form; the structure of both the system of shoots as a whole and its elementary unit; the composition of the plant leaf series. The data obtained may be used to determine phylogenetic relations within Laelia Lindl. genus.


Смирнова Е.С. Методика определения морфологических структур у орхидных // Бюл. Гл. ботан. сада. — 1984. — Вып. 132. — С. 71—77.

Смирнова Е.С. Морфобиология побеговых систем орхидных. — М.: Наука, 1990. — 208 с.

Withner С. The cattleyas and their relatives. — Hong Kong: Timber Press, Inc., 1990. — 154 s.

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