The comparative estimation of drought-resistance of willows from collection of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Gorelov, O. (2016). The comparative estimation of drought-resistance of willows from collection of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 70, 25-34.


Willows are confessed as one of the most perspective plants for bioenergetics today. This direction intensively begins to develop in Ukraine. The study of ecological features of willows is actuality. The substantial limiting factor of the willow cultures effective growing is providing moisture. The special weather conditions 2015 year (enhanceable temperature and lack of atmospheric fallouts) allowed to study drought-resistance of willow from M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine collection. The comparative estimation drought-resistance of aborigines and introduced species and willows hybrid of Botanical Garden selection is got. It is set that Salix alba, S. dasyclados, S. caspica × S. caprea, S. integra × S. acutifolia, S. viminalis × S. purpurea, (S. viminalis × S. purpurea) × S. acutifolia are the most drought-resisting, mildly drought-resisting – S. viminalis × S. caprea and (S. caspica × S. caprea) × S. acutifolia, undrought-resisting – S. viminalis. The obtained data can be used for growing, hybridization and selection of willows.


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