Ordinary gleditschia (Gleditsia triacanthos L.) in field-protecting and roadside plantings in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine

How to Cite

Derevyanko, V., & Levon, F. (2000). Ordinary gleditschia (Gleditsia triacanthos L.) in field-protecting and roadside plantings in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 7, 53-57. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3364658


The results of expedition investigation and scientific observation of Gleditsia triacanthos L. growth in the forest belts, roadside plantations and green hedges are given for the territories adjoining Nova Kakhovka. The 26 years old trees in the З-row belts were 14,1 m high and 15,8 cm in diameter, when the 20 years old trees in green hedges were 12,5 m high and 8,9 in diameter, respectively. Considerably crown asymmetry is characteristic of the upper rows; their extension towards the open space reaches 9 m. The two-trunk trees of Gleditsia triacanthos and their distribution in plantations are described; in this connection some views are expressed concerning the forestry strategy with respect to Gleditsia plantations, in particular, it is called in question whether the actions oriented to formation of the stand of one-trunk Gleditsia triacanthos trees are expedient.



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