The main results of the study of adaptation potentialities of the introduced species of Quercus L. genus in conditions of urbanized environment

How to Cite

Shumyk, M. (1999). The main results of the study of adaptation potentialities of the introduced species of Quercus L. genus in conditions of urbanized environment. Plant Introduction, 3, 48-50.


The systematic sings of Quercus L. genus, the geography of spreading its species provide some evidence for its specific ecological plasticity, the knowledge of its peculiarities can provide the success of plants acclimatization in conditions of introduction. The comparative characteristic of development of the introduction plants and aboriginal species of Q. robur is presented, the peculiarities of adaptation process in oaks are shown, the parameters of their resistance in conditions of urbanized environments are determined. The resistance and adaptation potentialities of the introduced plants are evaluated.


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