Functional relation of Actinidia species phytohormonal status with regeneration ability and sex of plants

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Skripchenko, N., Musatenko, L., Moroz, P., & Vasjuk, V. (1999). Functional relation of Actinidia species phytohormonal status with regeneration ability and sex of plants. Plant Introduction, 2, 96-100.


Endogenous content of phytohormones has been investigated in one-year shoots of different actinidia species, which were introduced in Ukraine. Relationship between phytohormon status of plants and their ability to rooting was established. One of the main factors, which takes influence on plant regeneration ability for reproduction by green stem cuttings is a relation between endogenous auxins, cytokinins and abscisic-acid in actinidia shoots. Actinidia female plants have greater ratio of phytohormonal balance than male ones. This testifies to functional relation between sex and a ratio of endogenous content of stimulants and ingibitors in the plants.


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