The culture of Tagetes signata in the Forest-Steppe conditions of Ukraine

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Yurchak, L. (1999). The culture of Tagetes signata in the Forest-Steppe conditions of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 1, 49-54.


The paper presents results of introductory studies of 4 species of Tagetes (Tagetes patula L., T. erecta L., T. minuta L., T. signata Barte) in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Such characters as crop capacity, essential oil production, intensity of growth and some agronomic questions were investigated in the paper. The results of allelopathic research of Tagetes during the ontogeny, their seeds, different organs of plants in dynamics, as well as their after-crop residue and waste of essential oil production were observed. The paper also deals with the importance of these investigations for culture of Tagetes. The conclusion about the prospects of introduction of the Tagetes signata into the industrial culture in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine was drawn.


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