Seasonal rhythm of rhododendrons growth under the conditions of introduction in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

How to Cite

Vegera, L. (1999). Seasonal rhythm of rhododendrons growth under the conditions of introduction in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 1, 55-58.


The work is devoted to the results of the studies of growth regularities of fourteen species of rododendron under the conditions of introduction in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. A daily average temperature and a sum of active temperatures at which a linear growth of shoots begins have been determined. Terms of beginning, duration and termination of the linear growth and an average growth of the shoots of the species have been defined. The dynamics of seasonal growth of three species of rododendron depending on decade average air temperatures and on precipitation amount in dendrological park “Sofiivka” is shown. Data on lignification degree of one-year old shoots of rododendrons have been analyzed, which determines the level of their winter hardiness.


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