The average production level and morphological peculiarities of the seeds of different species and varieties of Tulipa L. genus

How to Cite

Timchenko, O., & Sinitsina, L. (1999). The average production level and morphological peculiarities of the seeds of different species and varieties of Tulipa L. genus. Plant Introduction, 1, 59-62.


We have given the data on the setting of seeds of different species and varieties of the tulips of different classes, as well as on the mass of 1000 seeds, length of their germs and the seeds of certain species and varieties of the collection of the N.N. Grishko National Botanical Gardens by the name of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. It has been found out that the average production of the species seeds of the tulips is higher than that of the varieties, but the tulips varieties are characterized by the higher mass and the longer length of the seed.


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