Contribution of the doctor of biological sciences, professor L.I. Rubtsov to creation of botanical gardens


L.I. Rubtsov
theoretical principles
botanical gardens

How to Cite

Rubtsova, E., & Romanets, E. (2016). Contribution of the doctor of biological sciences, professor L.I. Rubtsov to creation of botanical gardens. Plant Introduction, 69, 41-49.


Contribution of the doctor of biological sciences, professor L.I. Rubtsov to creation of botanical gardens has been researched. Emphasis was made on theoretical knowledge base for the introduction and landscape construction, received while studying at the Leningrad Forestry Academy and working under the supervision of N.I Vavilov (All-Union Institute of Plant Industry) and T.B Dubyago (department of landscape art of the Leningrad Forestry Academy). Theo retical elaborations of L.I. Rubtsov reported at the First all-union conference of botanical gardens of the USSR and published in the specific literature were marked. A practical contribution of Leonid Ivanovich to planning of the academic Moscow botanical garden, Botanical garden of Academy of Sciences of BSSR (Minsk), Botanical garden “Podole” (Vinnytsya), and also direct participating in planning and building of the rock garden Botanical garden of Academician V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute (Leningrad), Botanical garden of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv) were analysed.


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