Features of vegetative propagation of woody lianas of the Vitaceae Juss. family in conditions of introduction in RightBank of ForestSteppe of Ukraine


stimulators of rhizogenesis
adventitious roots
terms of cutting
cold stressor

How to Cite

Makovskyi, V. (2019). Features of vegetative propagation of woody lianas of the Vitaceae Juss. family in conditions of introduction in RightBank of ForestSteppe of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 83, 42-49. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3404117


Objective — to investigate the effect of the growth-regulating drug “Kornevin” on the rooting and rhizogenesis of the semi lignified cuttings of wood vines of the genera Ampelopsis Michx. and Parthenocissus Planch. Vitaceae family in condition of introduction in Right-Bank of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, identify the optimal timing of the summer trimming. Using a patented utility model, improve the technology of summer planting of the studied taxa.

Material and methods. The effect of drug “Kornevin” on the rooting rate and rhizogenesis of semi-lignified cuttings was investigated according to the method of vegetative propagation of plants using growth stimulants by R.Kh. Turetskaya and F.Ya. Polikarpova (1968). To determine the period when the ability of semi-lignified cuttings to form adventitious roots is the highest, cuttings were carried out once a decade, starting from the third decade of June to the third decade of July, and for P. tricuspidata ‘Veitchii’ – until the first decade of August inclusive, using the recommendations on the propagation of fruit and berry crops with green cuttings by F.Ya. Polikarpova (1990). Phenological phases were registered by the method of phenological observations in the botanical gardens of the USSR (1975). The technology of summer cuttings of plants of the taxa under study was improved using the utility model patent “The method of thermostress stimulation of root formation of stem cuttings for accelerated reproduction of ornamental tree-shrub deciduous plants” by I.I. Korshikov et al. (2009).

Results. The application of drug “Kornevin” at a concentration of 1 and 2 g/l led to an increase in rooting and an increase in the number of adventitious roots of semi lignified cuttings. The use of a solution of the preparation at a concentration of 5 g/l resulted in an inhibitory effect. An increase in the concentration of the growth-regulating drug in the solution resulted in a decrease in the average length of adventitious roots in the cuttings. The highest percentage of rooting of semi-lignified cuttings was detected during the onset of the phenological phase of fruit fastening. The effect of the cold stressor had a positive effect on the rooting and rhizogenesis of semi-lignified cuttings.

Conclusions. The optimum for stimulation of rooting, as well as the increase in the number of adventitious roots of the semi-lignified cuttings of the woody vines of Vitaceae family, is the concentration of growth-regulating preparation “Kornevin” in aqueous solution, which is 2 g/l. The most favorable period for summer cuttings coincides with the phenological phase of fruit fastening. The effect of a cold stressor has a positive effect on the rooting and rhizogenesis of semi-lignified cuttings.



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