The dynamics of soil agrochemical indicators from the "Lilac garden" exposition of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine


Syringa vulgaris
agrochemical indicators
vegetation period

How to Cite

Dovhaliuk, N. (2019). The dynamics of soil agrochemical indicators from the "Lilac garden" exposition of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 83, 50-58.


Objective – to analyse the dynamics of agrochemical indicators of the soil under collection of Syringa vulgaris L. cultivars. These indicators used for solving the problem of anisotropy of biogenic elements distribution in the soil.

Material and methods. The study has been carried out on the “Lilac Garden” exposition. The soil samples were collected in the spring and in the autumn (2016–2018) under the Syringa vulgaris plants: 1 – under lawn grasses, 2 – on the site with permanent soil cultivation, 3 – on the site with permanent anthropogenic pressure (under the S. vulgaris cultivar trees). The plants are 55–60 years old. The humus reserves and nutrients content were calculated for the horizon 0–20 cm. The agrochemical analysis of soil samples has been done after G. Rinkis method (1982) by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry iCAP 6300 DUO. Soil samples were extracted by 1 N HCL. Soil samples pH were measured by Hi 2211 pH/ORP Meter (Hanna Instruments).

Results. It were investigated agrochemical indicators study (pH, humus, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn) of S. vulgaris collection gray podzolized soil. The soil solution pH indicators – 6.53–7.50. Humus content changes were registered during the seasons: 3.6–7.8 % in spring, 5.2–9.3 % in autumn. Maximum concentrations of the biogenic elements were observed in different terms of the plant vegetation cycle due to the precipitation and air temperature fluctuations.

Conclusion. The results demonstrate diverse distribution of biogenic elements in the Syringa vulgaris collection soil cover. It is to be considered for developing of plant cultivation rules for decorative and long living S. vulgaris cultivars.


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