Restoring the structure of woody plantations of landscape area "Dance Pavilion" and its optimization in Dendrological Park "Olexandria"of the NAS of Ukraine


landscape areas
restore the structure
Dance pavilion
species composition
woody vegetation
herbaceous vegetation

How to Cite

Galkin, S., Doiko, N., & Mordatenko, I. (2016). Restoring the structure of woody plantations of landscape area "Dance Pavilion" and its optimization in Dendrological Park "Olexandria"of the NAS of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 69, 50-59.


As a result of the research it was determined species and age of plantings, developed a project to restore the structure of the area “Dance Pavilion”. Due to the project architectural structure “Dance Pavilion” was restored, ways network, including historic paths of the original coating were restored too. The foundations of the Great and Monarchal pavilions were partially uncovered, the historic “Hornbeam path” and historic track around the old oak were restored; woody plantation was optimized, flower beds around the “Dance pavilion” were renewed.


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