The phenofund of Pinophyta in Ukraine in the beginning of XXI century: Changes in taxonomy, structure of collections, directions in introduction



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Kuznetsov, S. (2015). The phenofund of Pinophyta in Ukraine in the beginning of XXI century: Changes in taxonomy, structure of collections, directions in introduction. Plant Introduction, 68, 10-17.


Results of estimate of taxon amounts of different ranks of gymnosperms in Ukraine are presented (there are 205 species, subspecies, varieties, hybrids and 614 cultivars). Changes in taxonomy and quantitative specific and intraspecific structural dynamics of collections are traced (since 1987 structure of species, subspecies and varieties has only increased by 33 units, in the same time the amount of cultivars – by 512 units). Fundamental trends in the following introduction and reintroduction of Pinophyta on genus and species levels have been developed (such introduction and reintroduction are of the main goals of botanical gardens and dendroparks, they are absolutely necessary in order to increase biodiversity). The trends are: increasing species and genus levels of gymnosperms introduction by botanical gardens (there are at least 10 perspective for introduction genera, in particular from the family Cupressaceae Athrotaxus D. Don, Austrocedrus Florin et Boute lie, Fitzroya Hook. f., Fokienia Henry ex Thomas, Glyptostrobus Endlicher, Taiwania Hayata and others, also from the family Pinaceae Keteleeria Carr., Cathaya Chuan et Kuang, Nototsuga Hu ex C. N. Page., genera from the family Araucariaceae, Podocarpaceae, Taxaceae); introduction of new species (there are around 140 perspective species from coniferous genera that are well known in Ukraine for a long time – Abies, Cupressus, Juniperus, Picea, Pinus, Pseudotsuga, Tsuga, Torreya, Thuja); conducting introduction actions on population and ecotype levels (considering climactic aridification tendencies); search for species that are resistant to urban conditions and usage of only specific specimens that proved to be the most resistant to limiting factors of the modern environment as a source material.


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