Ecological and coenotical conditions of habitats of Adonis wolgensis Steven (Ranunculaceae Juss.) in Ukraine


Adonis wolgensis Steven
plant communities

How to Cite

Melnik, V., Shevchenko, D., & Gritsenko, V. (2015). Ecological and coenotical conditions of habitats of Adonis wolgensis Steven (Ranunculaceae Juss.) in Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 68, 37-44.


Ecological and coenotical conditions of habitats of rare species of Ukrainian flora including in Red Data Book of Ukraine – Adonis wolgensis Steven (Ranunculaceae Juss.) are reported. Phytocoenotical analysis of plant communities with Adonis wolgensis in Ukraine are permit to choose three types of habitats – steppe communities Amygdaleta nanae, Cariceta humilis, Stipeta capillatae, Stipeta lessingianae, Stipeta pulcherrima, Poeta angustifoliae, shrubs communities Caraganeta frutexis, Cottinieta coggygriae, Lonicereta tataricae, Pruneta spinosae and forest communities Fraxineta excelsioris and Ulmeto (glabrae) Acereta (platanoidis) in steppe zone. Ex situ protection of Adonis wolgensis by means of modeling populations in artificial steppe communities are proposed.


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