Peculiarities of ontogenesis of the genus Calycanthus L. species under conditions of Volyn Upland


Calycanthus L.

How to Cite

Gavrylyuk, O. (2015). Peculiarities of ontogenesis of the genus Calycanthus L. species under conditions of Volyn Upland. Plant Introduction, 67, 64-68.


The studying of peculiarities of ontogenesis of three species of the genus Calycanthus L. in culture under conditions of Volyn Upland has allowed to reveal, that all species pass 3 periods. All species reach reproductive period for 4th year of life. The maximal decorative effect is observed for 5th year of life. It was found that rhythm of growth and development of the subject species match the natural climatic fluctuations of the new environment, and duration of vegetation period coincides with the period of stable positive air temperatures in Volyn Upland.


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