Physiological and biochemical parameters of soil–plant system under allelopathic stress: Diagnostic analysis and control


soil-plant system
green manure
winter rape
allelopathic stress
allelopathic activity
redox potential
phenolic acids
photosynthetic pigments

How to Cite

Pavliuchenko, N. (2015). Physiological and biochemical parameters of soil–plant system under allelopathic stress: Diagnostic analysis and control. Plant Introduction, 67, 94-100.


The diagnostic analysis of functional state of the soil-plant system under allelopathic stress has been carried out for its optimization. For this purpose, it has been used a number of physiological and biochemical parameters. The influence of winter rape biomass (Brassica campestris L. f. biennis D.C.) as green manure on allelopathic, biochemical and physiological properties of the soil-plant system on an example of perennial plantings of lilac cultivars (Syringa vulgaris L.) of the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine collection was studied. Green biomass of winter rape during flowering stage was added into grey forest soil at 3.5 kg/m2 on mentioned areas of the arboretum. It was established that the application of winter rape biomass as green manure significantly improved the functional state of the soil-plant system under long-term cultivation of lilac plants. Structural components of the soil-plant system stabilized under the influence of green manure biomass decay products, which positively affected both allelopathic and biochemical soil properties and the physiological state of the lilac plants. There have been qualitative dynamic changes in soil-plant system for the green manure action, which manifested stimulation of growth processes, intensification of humification (by the phenolic acids pool), improving the redox regime, restructuring of component composition of photosynthetic pigments, and eventually increase in adaptive ability of lilac plants. As this trend persisted not only for the direct action of this factor, but also in its after-effect (next growing season after application of green manure biomass) can recommend the use of winter rape as green manure for optimization of soil-plant system under allelopathic stress.


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