Morphological and agrochemical soil characteristics of different types of landscapes of Dendropark Trostjanets of the NAS of Ukraine


dendropak Trostjanets
morphological characteristics
heavy metals

How to Cite

Severin, I. (2015). Morphological and agrochemical soil characteristics of different types of landscapes of Dendropark Trostjanets of the NAS of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 66, 96-107.


The results of studies of soils in Dendrological Park Trostjanets, which was carried out by Cherkasy branch of the Ukrainian State Institution of Orchards and Vineyards “Ukrhiprosad” in 1982 and our studies in 2013 are given. The samples for analysis were taken from 151 sections of 70 to 300 cm depth. We found on the territory of the park the following soils: black leached silty-sandy (118.32 ha), typical black with low content of humus silty-sandy (4.15 ha), typical black powerful with low content of humus silty-sandy (52.36 ha), meadow black silty-sandy (3.51 ha), medow-swamp silty-sandy (1.75 ha), reclaimed silty-sandy (8.48 ha). The reaction of soil solution is neutral, weak alkaline reaction (pH saline – 7.8) has reclaimed soil only. The morphological and agrochemical characteristics of park soils are presented. We describe each type of soil in texture and chemical composition. The results obtained show that heavy metals content in soil (cadmium, lead, copper, zinc) does not exceed the permissible level.


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