Genetic resources, mechanisms of salt tolerance and application of halophytes


mechanisms of salt tolerance
plant resources

How to Cite

Petrushenko, V., Shykhalyeyeva, G., Ennan, A., & Shykhalyeyev, I. (2015). Genetic resources, mechanisms of salt tolerance and application of halophytes. Plant Introduction, 65, 19-29.


Нalophytes are dominant species under the global progressive soil salinization, especially common in arid zones. So they are consided as a potential major source of plant resources on our planet. Currently, there is a comprehensive analysis of international experience for the improvement halotolerant crops in ecological conditions prevailing in arid zones, including the Northwest Black Sea Coast of Ukraine. According to the analysis of systematic structure, physical-chemical and molecular genetic mechanisms saltresistance of halophytes we made a conclusion regarding the advisability of their involvement into economic circulation at this stage by means of domestication. Given the limited ability of existing molecular genetic techniques for increasing saltresistance of cultivated plants in modern agriculture, the urgent problem is widespread use of introduction methods for increasing the resource potential of useful plants.


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