Leaf morphology of Lunaria samples derived in a result of interspecific hybridization in honesty


leaf blade
flower color

How to Cite

Boykaya, E., & Lyakh, V. (2015). Leaf morphology of Lunaria samples derived in a result of interspecific hybridization in honesty. Plant Introduction, 65, 63-68. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2460687


The results of study of the honesty samples for ornamental using which were obtained after interspecific hybridization Lunaria annua L. and L. rediviva L. are presented. Such morphological signs as leaf color, leaf tip shape, leaf base shape, leaf wings, leaf battlements, leaf blistering, leaf length, leaf wide and color of flowers were compared in the initial species and four samples isolated from F3 generation Lunaria annua × Lunaria rediviva cross combination. To determine the level of expression of the studied traits the point scale assessment was used. Morphological signs of the leaf blade were determined using the second pair of true leaves after the finishing their growth. The obtained data were processed using ANOVA. The significant differences between investigated samples and initial species were revealed for many signs of leaf blade and color of flowers. Two samples from F3 generation were submitted for registration at the National Center of Genetic Resources of Ukraine (Kharkiv).



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