The biomorphological analysis of the flora of the restoration meadow of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


biomorphological analysis
plant life forms
underground roots systems

How to Cite

Yakubenko, B., Yarmolenko, A., Tertyshnyy, A., & Churilov, A. (2014). The biomorphological analysis of the flora of the restoration meadow of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 64, 31-38.


The floristic structure of the restoration vegetation in grasslands of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine in Кyiv region, which included 346 species were given. The restore series in developing condition from fallow lands to sustainable communities of meadows vegetation were determinated. The biomorphological analysis of the flowering and sporous plant species of the vegetation, during a period of demutation were conducted. The spectrum of plant biomorphes by duration of the life cycle show us, that polycarpics have the main role in structure, floristic and variety of plant communities on the fallow lands. The key role of the different plant life forms by the type of root systems and position of revival buds about the surface land and the blanket of snow in restore vegetation of grasslands were definited. The hemicryptophytes are predominate in the restore vegetation of grasslands. There are 141 species or 40.8 % of the total numbers. The terophytes have the second position. There are 110 species or 31.8 %. It means that the description fallow lands are founded on the first stage of medow restoration. The cryptophytes have the third position, included 63 species (18.2 %). The most of species number have tap root system (135 or 39.0 %) and the next position depends on the rhizome system (77 or 22.3 %). The developing of the root systems plays the main role in the forming of the plant communities and the difference of their restore stages.


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