Vegetative reproduction of Camellia japonica L. (Theaceae D. Don.) in a protected ground of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine


Camellia japonica L.
vegetative propagation
stimulants of rhizogenesis

How to Cite

Kharchenko, I. (2014). Vegetative reproduction of Camellia japonica L. (Theaceae D. Don.) in a protected ground of M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine. Plant Introduction, 64, 85-92.


The results of studying the peculiarities of vegetative propagation of Camellia japonica L. in a protected ground are represented. It is founded the most effective methods of mass reproduction of camellias. The possibility of reproduction of certain plants C. japonica root shoots is revealed. It has been established that the rooting of cuttings camellia in aqueous solutions without the use of a physiologically active substance does not occur. It is revealed that different cultivars of C. japonica have different ability to rooting cuttings. The optimal timing for grafting in a protected ground – time after the termination of the growth period, when the shoots are not yet fully woody. Found that the use of stimulants rhizogenesis significantly increases the efficiency of vegetative propagation. Effective stimulators for rooting cuttings of different cultivars of C. japonica, such as the DG-482 and 2,4-D identified. Better rooted cuttings taken from semilignified shoots. Rooting takes place over 2.5–3.0 months under optimal conditions, and about 9 months – under unfavorable.


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