Anatomic structure of one-year-old shoots of Actinidia species


Actinidia L.
anatomical and morphological structure
male and female plant
spare substances

How to Cite

Skrypchenko, N., Nuzhina, N., Dzyuba, O., & Slyusar, G. (2018). Anatomic structure of one-year-old shoots of Actinidia species. Plant Introduction, 78, 29-35.


Objective – to study the anatomical and morphological structure of oneyearold shoots of the genus Actinidia L. species, which are introduced in Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.

Material and methods. The subject of the study were representatives of the genus Actinidia, growing in the collection of the acclimatization department of fruit plants of the M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the NAS of Ukraine. The studies were carried out in 2016-2017 with the using of generally accepted methods. Anatomical and morphological features of oneyearold shoots of the genus Actinidia species, which are introduced in the conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine, were studied.

Results. In A. kolomikta the thick layer of periderm with flattened, suberinsaturated cells is characteristic, which indicate the better protection from abrupt temperature fluctuations, and thus the better resistance to frost and drought. The female plants had significantly thicker periderm than the male ones. A. arguta has the thickest periderm, which, however, contains a lot of air. An indirect indicator of the increased resistance to frost of these taxa is also the most intense starch accumulation in the perimedullar zone, especially in the female plant shoots. According to the structure of the integumentary tissue, the least resistant to the low temperatures has A. macrosperma.

Conclusions. The investigation shows that introduced the genus Actinidia species have some features of shoots anatomy, which may be used for prediction of the success of introduction. It was shown, that the high adaptive potential of A. kolomikta is characterized by much flattened suberinized cells, and so this species has the better resistance to frost and drought. The significantly thicker layer of periderm in the shoots of the A. kolomikta female plants compared to male ones is detected. Representatives of A. arguta (A. arguta, sorts Kyivska krupnoplidna and Don Huan) have the thickest layer of periderm filled with air. Their high frost resistance is supported by the most intensive accumulation of starch in the perimedullar zone (especially in the shoots of female plants). The least resistant to the low temperatures, according to anatomy, has A. macrosperma. The data obtained add to the knowledge of the anatomy of the stems of different actinidia species and may be used in the selection of cultivars with increased persistence.


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