Condition of the middle-aged Querceta roboris plantation in Feofania Park, Kyiv city (on the example of the 5th and 6th quarters)


middle-aged Querceta roboris
laws about city green zones and nature reserve fund

How to Cite

Klimenko, Y., Moroz, V., & Druzhyna, M. (2014). Condition of the middle-aged Querceta roboris plantation in Feofania Park, Kyiv city (on the example of the 5th and 6th quarters). Plant Introduction, 63, 66-73.


Results of overall enumeration of trees in areas occupied by middle-aged Querceta roboris in quarters 5 and 6 of Feo fania park (Kyiv city) are presented. All middle-aged Querceta roboris plantations are man-made; they were planted on places previously occupied by century-old Querceta roboris plantation that in their turn got cut down. It has been shown that in one area the number of stems of Quercus robur constitutes only 21.3 % of overall amount, Acer platanoides prevails in stem number (48.0 %). That testifies about the need of species variety regulative woodcutting and of renovative planting of Quercus robur in order to save Querceta roboris. In all areas plantings are too dense as a result of no maintenance cutting execution, because wood-cutting of live trees is forbidden on territories of nature reserve fund and in city green zones. On such areas it is recommended to go back to forestry norms of maintenance, which demands changing the laws about city green zones and nature reserve fund.


Klimenko Y.O., Moroz V.V., Drujina M.M. (2014) Stan vikovoi zvychajnodubovoi dibrovy (Querceta roboris) parku „Feofanija” m. Kyiv (na prykladi 3, 5 ta 6-go kvartaliv) [Date of the age-old Querceta roboris plantation in “Feofania” park, Kyiv city (on the example of the 3rd, 5th and 6th quarters)]. Introdukcija roslyn [Plants introduction], № 2, p. 32–42.

Normativno-spravochnye materialy dlja taksacii lesov Ukrainy i Moldavii [Regulatory-referential materials for Ukrainian and Moldavian woods taxation] (1987) Kyiv, Urozhaj, 560 p.

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